Because your car insurance covers the damages you may cause in an accident, it can be easy to assume that, in the event a friend crashes your personal vehicle, their insurance will be responsible for covering the damages. However, the responsibility is actually placed on you, as the owner of the vehicle.
Permissive Drivers
Permissive drivers are those that you have allowed to drive your vehicle. Whether or not a permissive driver is listed on your car insurance policy, your policy is used as the primary insurance, regardless of whether the permissive driver has their own insurance. In Florida, insurance companies are not legally permitted to lower coverage limits for drivers not listed on your policy.
Bottom line: A vehicle owner could face liability for damages when their vehicle is involved in a collision that leads to another driver’s injuries, even if they were not the one behind the wheel.
Damages to your own vehicle will be covered by your personal collision insurance, while your liability policy will be responsible for covering damages done by the permissive driver of your car to another person or their vehicle.
What if the Driver Didn’t Have Your Permission?
In the event that a friend or family member uses your vehicle without your permission or knowledge and gets into an accident, their insurance will likely be considered primary so long as they have insurance. However, there has to be clear evidence that you did not grant permission. This is considered unauthorized use as opposed to theft, as it is used by someone you know. In some cases, filing a police report can further ensure your auto insurance is not used for any claims on the accident.
The Benenati Law Firm has recovered millions of dollars for its injury clients and accident victims. In Orlando and throughout Central Florida victims injured in accidents or through negligence need only hit the 7s to reach the personal injury offices of the Benenati Law Firm. Our oath to you is handling your case from start to finish effectively, competently, and aggressively. Allow us the opportunity to give you the personal attention you deserve in your case. You pay us nothing unless we win your case. Please do not hesitate to call our office today at 407-777-7777 for a free legal consultation. Abogado Hispano con experiencia en juicios sirviendo las necesidades legales de la comunidad de la Florida.